Describe yourself right now in five words.
Living well with my family.
What was your best day of riding this season? Where, when and why?
Riding with my boy's during the Sims event this year was awesome. The hill is so small you can watch everyone rip down the face, the whole mix got treated to a few days of good snow. 
What inspires you to ride these days? Is it different from what inspired you 20+ years ago?
Riding snowboards these day's is pretty nice. The boards I ride perform in all conditions and in a way that allows me to do old tricks that feel better or seem easier to do. Snowboarding looks to be heading in a fun direction with some good transitions being built and left for everyone to enjoy.

What’s your favorite thing about snowboarding right now? Least favorite thing?
I like to ride with my boys and watch them begin to have fun snowboarding. My least favorite thing with snowboarding has to be crowds. I'm lucky to be able to ride during the week for the wet months but winters are so short you have to get out on the weekends.

What do you like most about the Drop Roach Mitt?
What I like most about my mitten is how we developed it. We talked about what we wanted it to feel and look like and how we wanted it to perform. We had one of the best winters that year and was able to get some helpful testing details from the conditions that make the mitten function so well now.
Pretty awesome to have a portion of the proceeds going towards getting kids into the mountains and on snowboards through the Revert Foundation.

Who is the mitt made for? What type of rider?
Being comfortable on the mountain is important to me, making the function of my gear priority. These gloves are built from time spent in the mountains for everyone who wants comfortable hands while shredding.
Name an up and comer you like to watch and why.
I get inspired on how burly kids are and how powerful they ride. Everyone stands out to me, I like watching snowboarders rip.

Action Photos: Jake Pollock Photography